
Welcome to, the home of a grassroots campaign dedicated to protecting Florida’s thriving hemp industry. We are a community of farmers, small business owners, industry experts, veterans, and concerned citizens who are passionate about the benefits of hemp and its potential to contribute to a sustainable future. Our mission is to raise awareness about the negative consequences of proposed bills HB 1475 and SB 1676, which threaten to limit access to natural health products, hurt small businesses, and violate the rights of ordinary Floridians. Led by third-generation cannabis entrepreneur and Florida native Patrick O’Brien, our campaign is dedicated to defending the rights of small businesses, promoting responsible and equitable growth in the hemp industry, and ensuring the health and well-being of all Floridians. Join us in our fight to protect the future of the hemp industry in Florida!

Patrick stands proudly alongside his dedicated team at Chronic Guru, a close-knit family of passionate individuals committed to educating the world about the benefits of cannabis and hemp. Together, they work tirelessly to build a brighter future for their industry and for the countless lives they touch.

The Threat to Florida's Hemp Industry: An Overview of HB 1475 and SB 1676

Florida Senate Bill 1676 and House Bill 1475 are two legislative proposals currently being considered by the Florida legislature that threaten to severely impact Florida’s hemp industry. These bills would impose excessive regulations, fees, and restrictions on hemp growers, processors, and retailers in the state, making it difficult for small businesses to operate and compete with larger corporations.

IMPORTANT: HB 1475 and SB 1676 threaten to make the possession of any full spectrum CBD product a felony offense in the state of Florida. This means that you could be criminally charged for using a product that is widely available and used by millions of people around the world.

This proposed legislation not only undermines your rights as a consumer but also threatens the livelihoods of small businesses and the health and wellness of millions of Floridians who rely on full spectrum CBD for relief from chronic pain, anxiety, and other health conditions.

The proposed bills would require hemp farmers to obtain costly permits and licenses, mandate extensive reporting requirements, and impose unreasonable limitations on hemp cultivation and processing. Additionally, the proposed bills would require hemp retailers to only sell products manufactured in Florida, which could severely limit the selection of hemp products available to consumers and drive up prices.

In addition to the harmful economic effects, the proposed bills also threaten the rights of ordinary citizens who rely on hemp products for health and wellness purposes. These bills would make it harder for consumers to access safe and natural alternatives to traditional medicines, and limit the benefits of hemp-based products for veterans, patients with chronic illnesses, and individuals seeking alternative health solutions.

The proposed bills also contradict federal guidelines that regulate hemp production and distribution. By imposing excessive restrictions and fees on Florida’s hemp industry, the state would be at risk of losing its legal protection from the federal government, which could have significant legal and economic implications.

We believe that these bills threaten Florida’s hemp industry and the health and wellbeing of its citizens, and we are committed to opposing them through our campaign. We urge all Floridians to join us in our fight to protect the future of Florida’s hemp industry and the rights of its citizens.

In this photo, Patrick stands alongside his students at Sativa University, the cannabis college he founded in Orlando, Florida. With over 60,000 students educated on the benefits of hemp over the past decade, Patrick has dedicated his life to promoting the responsible and equitable growth of the cannabis and hemp industries.

Our Objectives and Reasons for Opposing the Proposed Bills.

The SaveFLHemp campaign was launched to protect Florida’s thriving hemp industry from two proposed bills, HB 1475 and SB 1676. These bills threaten to destroy the livelihoods of small business owners and farmers, while also restricting the rights of ordinary Floridians who use hemp products for health and wellness purposes.

The campaign’s objectives are simple: to stop these bills from becoming law and to ensure that Florida’s hemp industry continues to grow and thrive. We believe that these bills go against federal guidelines and that they would hinder the growth of this vital industry, leading to lost jobs, lost businesses, and lost opportunities.

We are opposing these bills for a variety of reasons. First and foremost, they would impose restrictive regulations that would disproportionately favor large corporations, making it difficult for small businesses and family-owned farms to compete. This could lead to a consolidation of the industry, with only a few players left standing, which would not only limit consumer choice but also hurt the local economy.

Secondly, these bills would impose costly licensing and permitting requirements on small businesses and farmers, making it difficult for them to enter the market and grow their businesses. This would result in lost jobs, less innovation, and less competition, ultimately harming the industry as a whole.

Finally, we believe that these bills infringe on the rights of Floridians who use hemp products for health and wellness purposes. Hemp has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits, from reducing anxiety to easing chronic pain. By limiting access to these products, these bills would harm individuals who rely on them for their wellbeing.

The SaveFLHemp campaign is committed to defending the rights of small business owners, farmers, and individual consumers. We believe that the hemp industry has a bright future in Florida, and we will fight to ensure that it continues to thrive. Join us in opposing HB 1475 and SB 1676 and standing up for the future of hemp in Florida.

Patrick is seen alongside Dr. Byron, a renowned doctor in the cannabis industry, who has worked with Patrick and numerous other experts in the field to educate students on the benefits of hemp. At Sativa University, Patrick has cultivated a community of passionate individuals who are dedicated to advancing the industry and promoting natural health solutions. Together, they strive to empower their students and bring awareness to the incredible potential of hemp.

Meet Our Campaign Leader

Are you curious about who is leading the fight to protect Florida’s thriving hemp industry? Look no further than Patrick O’Brien, a third-generation cannabis entrepreneur, Florida native, and American veteran.

Patrick has been involved in the cannabis industry for over a decade and has built a successful career as the owner of a cannabis college, Sativa University, as well as multiple dispensaries and farms throughout Florida. With over 60,000 students to date, Patrick is dedicated to educating others about the benefits of cannabis and hemp and has become a respected figure in the industry.

Patrick’s passion for the cannabis and hemp industries is rooted in his belief that they have the power to make a positive impact on people’s lives. He is committed to creating equitable and sustainable growth in the industry, while prioritizing the health and well-being of Floridians.

As the leader of this campaign, Patrick is fighting to protect the rights of small businesses, family-owned farms, and individuals who rely on hemp products for their health and wellness. He believes that the proposed bills (HB 1475 and SB 1676) will harm the industry and its participants, and he is dedicated to opposing them.

If you want to learn more about Patrick’s background and his perspective on the cannabis and hemp industries, check out the following video:

In this captivating video, Patrick O’Brien, the third-generation cannabis entrepreneur, stands up for the hemp industry against major corporations in a hard-hitting interview with Fox News. With a passion for fairness and equity, O’Brien speaks about the importance of a level playing field for small businesses, moms, and pops, and the everyday people who depend on the hemp industry for their livelihoods. Watch as O’Brien holds his ground against the big players in the industry, and fights for the rights of all those involved in the world of hemp.

Join Patrick in his fight to protect Florida’s hemp industry by signing the online petition today. Together, we can make our voices heard and defend our rights, our economy, and the future of hemp in Florida.

Testimonials and Endorsements from Industry Experts and Supporters

As the campaign to protect the hemp industry in Florida gains momentum, we are proud to have the support of industry experts, community leaders, and passionate supporters who understand the value of this important sector.

Here’s what some of our supporters have to say:

These are just a few examples of the many voices who are speaking out in support of the campaign to oppose HB 1475 and SB 1676. We are grateful for their support and recognize that it will take a collective effort to protect the rights of small businesses and individuals who rely on the hemp industry.

We encourage you to join us in this fight. Sign the petition today and share it with your network. Get involved in grassroots initiatives and volunteer opportunities to help spread the word and make a difference.

Together, we can protect the future of the hemp industry in Florida and ensure that our voices are heard.
